Agents can login, but doesn´t receive calls

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Agents can login, but doesn´t receive calls

Postby mtancoff » Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:58 am

I´m using CentOS 4.1.

Asterisk is 1.2

I´m using TDM2400B boards from Digium.

The agents can log-in normally, selecting the "CLOSER" campaign they can choose inbound groups.

When I make a call to Vicidial, I receive the "Your call is very important to us, please hold on....", but the call never gets to the operator.

Seems strange to me that when the agent is loged-in, the table vicidial_live_agents is empty.

When I make a call, none of these tables is populated:


Can U help me?

Posts: 41
Joined: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:42 am

Postby mflorell » Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:29 pm

What are the statuses of your agents in the vicidial_live_agents table?

Can you post some real Asterisk CLI output(not asterisk -r but asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgc)?
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Postby mtancoff » Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:39 pm

The table vicidial_live_agents is empty.

-- uniqueid = 1154370990.2

+++++ INBOUND CALL VDCL STARTED : |1154370990.2|CL_GALERIA|Zap/1-1|5520|Zap|Closer-123456|2006-07-31 14:36:31
AGI Environment Dump: |1154370990.2|Zap/1-1|5520|Zap|Closer|

+++++ INBOUND VDCL START : |1154370990.2|Zap/1-1|5520|Zap|2006-07-31 14:36:31

|INSERT INTO vicidial_list (entry_date,modify_date,status,user,vendor_lead_code,source_id,list_id,called_since_last_reset,phone_code,phone_number,security_phrase,called_count,gmt_offset_now) values('2006-07-31 14:36:31','20060731143631','INBND','123456','CL_GALERIA','VDCL','999','Y','1','','CL_GALERIA','1','-5.00');|49|
FAIL (unexpected result '')
callerID changed: Y0731143631000000049

|INSERT INTO vicidial_auto_calls values('','','CL_GALERIA','LIVE','49','1154370990.2','Y0731143631000000049','Zap/1-1','1','','2006-07-31 14:36:31','IN')|

|INSERT INTO vicidial_log (uniqueid,lead_id,campaign_id,call_date,start_epoch,status,phone_code,phone_number,user,processed) values('1154370990.2','49','CL_GALERIA','2006-07-31 14:36:31','1154370991','XFER','1','','123456','N')|
-- VDAD : |49|123456|insert to vicidial_log: 1154370990.2

|INSERT INTO vicidial_closer_log (lead_id,campaign_id,call_date,start_epoch,status,phone_code,phone_number,user,processed) values('49','CL_GALERIA','2006-07-31 14:36:31','1154370991','QUEUE','1','','VDCL','N')|
-- VDCL : |49|insert to vicidial_closer_log

|INSERT INTO vicidial_xfer_log (lead_id,campaign_id,call_date,phone_code,phone_number,user,closer) values('49','CL_GALERIA','2006-07-31 14:36:31','1','','123456','VDXL')|
-- VDXL : |49|insert to vicidial_closer_log

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|0|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|1|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|2|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|3|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|
== Connect attempt from '' unable to authenticate

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|4|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|5|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|6|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Connect attempt from '' unable to authenticate

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|7|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|8|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|9|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Connect attempt from '' unable to authenticate

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|10|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|11|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|12|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|13|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|14|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|15|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|
== Connect attempt from '' unable to authenticate

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|16|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|

|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = 'CL_GALERIA' and call_time < "2006-07-31 14:36:31" and lead_id != '49';|
-- VDAD get agent: |360|17|0|update of vla table: CL_GALERIA|
== Spawn extension (default, 5520, 2) exited non-zero on 'Zap/1-1'
-- Executing DeadAGI("Zap/1-1", "call_log.agi|h") in new stack
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/call_log.agi
+++++ CALL LOG HUNGUP: |1154370990.2|Zap/1-1|h|2006-07-31 14:36:55|min: |
-- AGI Script call_log.agi completed, returning 0
-- Executing DeadAGI("Zap/1-1", "VD_hangup.agi|PRI-----NODEBUG-----0---------------") in new stack
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/VD_hangup.agi
Perl Environment Dump:
AGI Environment Dump:
-- accountcode =
-- callerid = unknown
-- calleridname = Y0731143631000000049
-- callingani2 = 0
-- callingpres = 0
-- callingtns = 0
-- callington = 0
-- channel = Zap/1-1
-- context = default
-- dnid = unknown
-- enhanced = 0.0
-- extension = h
-- language = en
-- priority = 2
-- rdnis = unknown
-- request = VD_hangup.agi
-- type = Zap
-- uniqueid = 1154370990.2
AGI Environment Dump: |1154370990.2|Zap/1-1|h|Zap|Y0731143631000000049|Y0731143631000000049|2|

Posts: 41
Joined: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:42 am

Postby mflorell » Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:04 pm

if vicidial_live_agents is empty then you have no agents logged in at all. You need to fix that before anything else will work.
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Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:45 pm
Location: Florida

Postby mtancoff » Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:05 pm

Yes! The problem was that the auto_dial_lever for the "CLOSER" campaign was 0. Now I turned it to 1, and the VICIDAL_LIVE_AGENTS is populating correctly.

Now it´s working!!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Joined: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:42 am

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