Live Recording Calls Listen from Vicidial Portal

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Live Recording Calls Listen from Vicidial Portal

Postby waheed-lcl » Wed Dec 11, 2024 4:23 pm

Hi Friends,
We are currently using GoAutoDial 3.2 with manual phone extension-based dialing. All call recordings are successfully stored under /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/MIX in the default WAV format.

Could you help us access and play live recorded calls directly from the Vicidial portal? The admin portal is accessible via the following URL:

Specifically, we would like support on the following:

Identifying the live playback recording feature within the Vicidial portal.
Steps to activate the feature if it is currently disabled.
Your quick response and guidance on enabling this functionality would be greatly appreciated.

Waheed Abbas
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Re: Live Recording Calls Listen from Vicidial Portal

Postby carpenox » Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:05 am

Yea i can help you set this up, contact me through any method in my signature

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Re: Live Recording Calls Listen from Vicidial Portal

Postby williamconley » Fri Dec 13, 2024 10:42 am

Recordings are available in two places:

1) At the bottom of each LEAD record

2) Modify User: "User Stats" (Top Menu): Section: Recordings for this Time Period

Are these two location showing recordings?

PS: I highly recommend converting those recordings to MP3 and pushing them off the server to an FTP service, or at least pushing them to an FTP location ON the server to get them out of the asterisk spool folder, which may literally get so full the files can't be managed if they are all in One Folder. All of which is generally handled with built-in scripts.

If that folder (/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/MIX) or any of the other folders in /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE get too many files in them, you may not even be able to view the file list or delete files on the CLI easily. ll and ls can actually fail. The FTP folder scripts generate a "daily folder" to keep the "per folder" count reasonable.
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