Just FYI, still check no matter what SVN version. I'm on 3870, upgraded 8/31, and still had an incident. Not sure of full scope yet, but at least one campaign added and the missing Campaign Dial, etc. Luckily, not much more than that. My fault for still having the 6666 user. Just one of those things that I always meant to get to...so if that's also you, do it now

Update: Further info. I found that the attack happened on my secondary webserver, which is also a dialer and then just used as a web server as needed and for testing custom pages. This server is on 3870,
but the web-related files were apparently not updated. So, be sure to check that VERM_AJAX_functions.php has at least this in the changelog at the top:
# 220825-1608 - First build
# 240709-2151 - Added input variable filtering
# 240801-1130 - Code updates for PHP8 compatibility
The last one is Aug 1, which is later than when 3848 was released.
Vicibox 11 from .iso installed/set up by Vicidial | Vicidial 2.14-900a Build: 231115-1636 | Asterisk 16.30.0-vici | 10-server cluster (1 primary DB, 1 primary web, 8 asterisk) in Colo DC | OpenSIPS on web as LB | 10x Dell R740XD