One simple requirement- TTS outbound

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One simple requirement- TTS outbound

Postby markosjal » Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:56 pm

We have one simple requirement for Vicidial . We have tried vicidial, goautodial and now vicibox. I have a client provided manual that cost him 100 dollars that seems to be for versions far different from current versions, as well as seems to lack serious details . honestly , In my opinion the manual is at times convoluted at best.

We only want a text to speech outbound campaign for billing reminders, and it is causing is a lot of grief trying different versions with no complete solution.

We want to read the text comments from a csv to the customer via TTS , with no live agents

I will be working now from the latest version of vicibox 5.x 32 bit, as it seems to have the newest vicidial.

Any help is greatly appreciated
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Re: One simple requirement- TTS outbound

Postby mflorell » Sun Oct 06, 2013 6:50 am

If you want TTS(Text to speech), you have to buy Cepstral licenses. There is a Tutorial in the manager manual(tutorial S) detailing how to set up a Cepstral TTS outbound campaign, and there is a section going over how to configure a Cepstral TTS in the Admin -> Text To Speech section of the web administration, and there is another page called "CEPSTRAL INTEGRATION" that explains in more detail what licenses you need to buy from Cepstral to get it to work with Vicidial.

The manager manual itself is currently 309 pages and based upon the 2.4 release branch. We are working on the next version and should have it completed soon for the upcoming 2.8 release branch. The next version of the manual might be over 400 pages fro what we have in our draft versions.
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