ViciBox v.11.0.2 has been released. This version is mostly to correct some partition issues with the MD MultiDisk Image. The standard image was also released in order to maintain parity.
I guess v.11.0 has worked relatively well out of the box. It's nice when that happens. Although there wasn't a bunch of new new things like with V.10. So more time was spent polishing what was there. I still didn't get the yast vicibox module done. My idea was to have that sort of replace vicibox-install, or at least act as a front end to it. Perhaps doing that and converting vicibox-install to python will be the next step.
Improved documentation was the real goal of V.11.0. So far the site seems to be working out well.
ViciDial hasn't been fully tested yet, or at least they haven't given me the OK for it. ViciBox v.11.0, or more specifically OpenSuSE v.15.5, has php8 available in it. So once it's been signed off on it can be relatively easily converted to php8.
Fixed the config file so that they are statically copied during setup. This ensures that future package updates don't potentially wipe out any config files.
The new vicibox-install package also includes a MUCH improved vicibox-mdraid1 which now properly supports NVMe and attempts to find adequate target drives to setup the RAID array. It also lets you add extra drives as Spares for maintenance like preparing to remove a failing drive. It will also look for orphaned RAID arrays like /deb/md127 and try to remove them.
nice, I cant even tell you how many people have been having issues with the zypper up lately, I get a couple dozen messages a week about it, this fix is wonderful!!
Alma Linux 9.5 | SVN Version: 3896 | DB Schema Version: 1723 | Asterisk 18.26.0 | PHP8 -:- 1-833-DIALER-1 -:- -:- WA: +19549477572 GC: | DC: