Zoho Integration

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Zoho Integration

Postby Khaok » Tue Sep 12, 2017 1:54 am

Hello everyone,
we are a business consulation company from Germany. We are looking for someone who can help us build an integration for Vicidial to Zoho.
Our selfhosted Vicidial server:
(Vicibox Single Server)
[*]Suse LINUX 42.1 x64
[*]Asterisk 11.25.1-vici
[*]Vicidial Version 2.14-601a
Build 170315-0633

We want to push the new SALES that were made automatically into our new Zoho CRM. It doesnt have to push every single SALE seperatly. It would be enough if once a day either Vicidal pushes all the SALES (with Custom Fields if possible) or if Zoho takes all the SALES from a generated File and imports them. A link to the Record with the Client should also be linked.

It would be nice if someone already has experience with the topic of zZoho integration.

best regards,
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Re: Zoho Integration

Postby williamconley » Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:47 pm

We've integrated Vicidial with many CRMs (Often SugarCRM and vTigerCRM) and charge $100 @ Priority Service Level for One module in Vicidial to One module in the CRM. Additional modules are usually $50.

You provide a field map from Vicidial to the CRM for each module and we can push Each Record at the end of the call if "SALE" dispo or if the agent pushes a button during the call or all nightly (after each call is the most common).

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Re: Zoho Integration

Postby mr_mehul_shah » Wed Mar 13, 2019 6:24 am

We did lot of development of vicidial & zoho. Kindly refer below link for more details:

Vicidial, GoAutoDial & Vtiger Consultant
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