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omarrodriguezt wrote:3-There are a patch that auto detects disconnect and don't dialed back. It has like 70% of accuracy.
Read more here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=18925&hilit=+disconnect
omarrodriguezt wrote:Hello,
My first recommendation is that you to contact vicidial sales department and get the sangoma solution.
There are another options:
2- Go to Vicidial->Administration -> Routing Extension -> and put 8369 (It has like 50% of accuracy with the AMD)
Routing Extension - This field allows for a custom outbound routing extension. This allows you to use different call handling methods depending upon how you want to route calls through your outbound campaign. Formerly called Campaign VDAD extension.
- 8364 - same as 8368
- 8365 - Will send the call only to an agent on the same server as the call is placed on
- 8366 - Used for press-1, broadcast and survey campaigns
- 8367 - Will try to first send the call to an agent on the local server, then it will look on other servers
- 8368 - DEFAULT - Will send the call to the next available agent no matter what server they are on
- 8369 - Used for Answering Machine Detection after that, same behavior as 8368
- 8373 - Used for Answering Machine Detection after that same behavior as 8366
- 8374 - Used for press-1, broadcast and survey campaigns with Cepstral Text-to-speech
- 8375 - Used for Answering Machine Detection then press-1, broadcast and survey campaigns with Cepstral Text-to-speech
3-There are a patch that auto detects disconnect and don't dialed back. It has like 70% of accuracy.
Read more here: ... disconnect
call0 wrote:The problem is that every time I use the "- 8369 - Used for Answering Machine Detection after that, same behavior as 8368" the agents stop receiving any calls instead of detecting the answering machine calls. Anyone can help me?
VERSION: 2.14-594a | BUILD: 170226-0850 | Asterisk 11.25.1-vici | Single Server | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | intel(r) core(tm) i5 cpu 650 @ 3.20ghz
williamconley wrote:Just to be clear: Have you verified that at least some of your calls are not Answering Machines? lol
call0 wrote:williamconley wrote:Just to be clear: Have you verified that at least some of your calls are not Answering Machines? lol
Sorry for the late response. I didn't receive a notification.
Maybe I didn't say the whole issue. Can I explain? Okay I'll explain. We can receive a few live calls with Answering Machine (estimate: 40% live calls, 60% AM) when I use the default routing ext., but when I try to change to built-in AMD-on(8369) that's when we stop receiving both live and AM calls(Some agent can receive call after 6 to 10 minutes).
williamconley wrote:BUT FIRST: Test with numbers YOU own. Have it call your cell (1:1 dialing, just one call) and see if it thinks YOU are a machine or a human. Test.
Next: How did you install your system? AMD configuration varies and the settings have changed over the years. Consider a Fresh Vicibox 8 installation with Asterisk 11, having the most recent AMD module and configuration settings. That may test much better (even if only in a test server, just to check this feature). But I don't think I saw your installation method, which could contain modifications to the AMD system ... and I don't like to leave loopholes like that.
Hi there William! I've tried to call our own but I only received the recorded msg. So I guess it thinks of me as a machine.
THe installation process. I just follow the installation process given in the manual(Express Installation).
comsenabler wrote:Dm me to learn about how we solve AMD with new innovation
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