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New Enhanced Disconnect Logging Option 3

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:12 am
by jamiemurray
I posted a patch on the bug tracker for introducing Enhanced Disconnect Logging Option 3 to address the issue of temporary carrier failures causing leads to go to ADC incorrectly.

Re: New Enhanced Disconnect Logging Option 3

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:41 am
by dreedy
what is the option breakdown of this function the help does not go into detail on the option of 2 through 6.
Is there a explanation of this somewhere?

Re: New Enhanced Disconnect Logging Option 3

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:15 am
by mflorell
From the help:

"Enhanced Disconnect Logging -
This setting, set to 1, enables logging of calls that get a CONGESTION signal with a cause code of 1, 19, 21, 34 or 38. Setting this to 2 will additionally log calls with cause codes of 18-CHANUNAVAIL and 102. Setting this to 3 will alternatively prevent some temporary error SIP messages on failed calls from sending the lead to ADC status. Instead, the status will be set as HUCXXX where XXX is the hangup_cause code. Eg. HUC18 for Cause 18 (SIP 408 Request timeout). Default is 0 for disabled."

Only options 0,1,2,3 are active, options 4,5,6 are there for future expansion.

Re: New Enhanced Disconnect Logging Option 3

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 12:05 pm
by dreedy
Thank you.

Re: New Enhanced Disconnect Logging Option 3

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2024 10:47 am
by pimo1974
mflorell wrote:From the help:

"Enhanced Disconnect Logging -
This setting, set to 1, enables logging of calls that get a CONGESTION signal with a cause code of 1, 19, 21, 34 or 38. Setting this to 2 will additionally log calls with cause codes of 18-CHANUNAVAIL and 102. Setting this to 3 will alternatively prevent some temporary error SIP messages on failed calls from sending the lead to ADC status. Instead, the status will be set as HUCXXX where XXX is the hangup_cause code. Eg. HUC18 for Cause 18 (SIP 408 Request timeout). Default is 0 for disabled."

Only options 0,1,2,3 are active, options 4,5,6 are there for future expansion.
I notice when option 3 is set leads that get huc 18 21 23 etc do get disposed by system but they get dialed again on next reset even though they are not set as dialable. Is this expected behavior?

Re: New Enhanced Disconnect Logging Option 3

PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 5:59 pm
by williamconley
pimo1974 wrote:
mflorell wrote:From the help:

"Enhanced Disconnect Logging -
This setting, set to 1, enables logging of calls that get a CONGESTION signal with a cause code of 1, 19, 21, 34 or 38. Setting this to 2 will additionally log calls with cause codes of 18-CHANUNAVAIL and 102. Setting this to 3 will alternatively prevent some temporary error SIP messages on failed calls from sending the lead to ADC status. Instead, the status will be set as HUCXXX where XXX is the hangup_cause code. Eg. HUC18 for Cause 18 (SIP 408 Request timeout). Default is 0 for disabled."

Only options 0,1,2,3 are active, options 4,5,6 are there for future expansion.
I notice when option 3 is set leads that get huc 18 21 23 etc do get disposed by system but they get dialed again on next reset even though they are not set as dialable. Is this expected behavior?

Please describe in detail "not set as dialable"? Do you refer to "called since last reset" or "status"?