Limit/Max Disposition Status

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Limit/Max Disposition Status

Postby ZibiX » Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:03 am


One of my clients really wants this feature.

1. He wanted to limit the maximium disposition status for ex. SALE. Lets say max 10 SALE1, max 10 SALE2, max 10 SALE3.
2. After reaching max level, agent can not hit disposition (by button or hot keys) for this SALE.

Is this possible in Vicidial?
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Re: Limit/Max Disposition Status

Postby mflorell » Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:17 am

That is not currently an option.
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Re: Limit/Max Disposition Status

Postby ZibiX » Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:43 am


How about this option:
1. Agent is working in normal vicidial agent panel
2. When he make a SALE he switch to webform
2. On webform there is webpage in php connected to sql (new table) that manages the limit for every SALE. When there is a slot open agent make a disposition on that SALE and webform transfer this disposition by agent_api to vicidial.

Is this possible?
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