alpanumeric dialpad on viciphone webphone

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alpanumeric dialpad on viciphone webphone

Postby bossmon » Wed May 27, 2020 9:32 am

it would be great if the viciphone webphone displayed letters on the dialpad.

for example like this:


Instead of like this how it is currently.

That way we can easily figure out which buttons to press on a dial-by-name directory.
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Re: alpanumeric dialpad on viciphone webphone

Postby dreedy » Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:19 am

I don't think that you can enter a dtmf or a phone number in the image of the viciphone.

In the agent screen there is a DTMF box to use for that function. we paid for the feature so that we could use numbers or alphabet so that we could travers ivr's with that kind of selections.
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Re: alpanumeric dialpad on viciphone webphone

Postby carpenox » Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:39 am

actually you can send dtmf if you are using cabrera's version on github:
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