Route call to ingroups as per inbound caller id region

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Route call to ingroups as per inbound caller id region

Postby vijaymuddu » Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:09 am


I need a feature as below on vicidial + asterisk 11

1. when incoming calls lands it should be routed to ingroup based on the number country/town lookup via api
2. we will add an api before call getting transferred to ingroup, api will lookup database and return country/town details of the number
3. we will create ingroups manually and add them to campaigns

As per my knowledge we will need an agi script which will route calls to ingroups based on api value returned

If an call lands in inbound with number 9184240XXXX then first number will be lookuped using api which will return country/town value, in this case INDIA then based on INDIA script or dial plan will send calls to ingroup named as INDIA
server config: i3,4gb, Centos 6.9 64bit | Version: 2.14b0.5 | Schema: 1528 | revision 2928| Asterisk 1.8.0 | E1-card
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Re: Route call to ingroups as per inbound caller id region

Postby mflorell » Tue Mar 03, 2020 7:14 am

We have helped several clients in North America do something very similar with the Areacode of the phone number on inbound calls using the "cm_sc_areacode.agi" script. That would probably be a good place for you to start.
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Re: Route call to ingroups as per inbound caller id region

Postby vijaymuddu » Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:15 am

Thanks Mflorell for replying

Please can you guide me more on this

is this script cm_sc_areacode.agi already there in vicidial latest trunk
how can i implement the same
Any document you can share

server config: i3,4gb, Centos 6.9 64bit | Version: 2.14b0.5 | Schema: 1528 | revision 2928| Asterisk 1.8.0 | E1-card
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Re: Route call to ingroups as per inbound caller id region

Postby williamconley » Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:11 am

Have you tried the Vicidial Manager's Manual? Plus, of course, the docs folder in /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/ and the agi script itself may even have usage notes at the top.
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Re: Route call to ingroups as per inbound caller id region

Postby vijaymuddu » Sat Mar 07, 2020 5:51 am

Hi William,

I have checked agi script but my requirement is different, requirement is as follows

When calls lands on inbound did agi script will check the number in a database and will return state id : example: for number 82424XXXX it will return Mumbai
Agi script should able to transfer the call to ingroup name Mumbai - ingroups will be created accordingly
We will map ingroups to respective campaigns

Also how much time and budget will be charged if i want create the script or feature

Please check
server config: i3,4gb, Centos 6.9 64bit | Version: 2.14b0.5 | Schema: 1528 | revision 2928| Asterisk 1.8.0 | E1-card
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Re: Route call to ingroups as per inbound caller id region

Postby williamconley » Sat Mar 07, 2020 10:34 am

Modify DID

Filter URL

Filter URL DID Redirect

This will allow you to write an extenal app that will respond with a new DID to route the call to. The new DID would be associated with the Ingroup you want those calls to go to. You would need to set up the DIDs and Ingroups of course.

If you can write a php page with a mysql query that checks the appropriate number of digits and returns a new DID ... you're golden. If not, it would take an hour or two to build and create the table to hold the data including a simplistic editor for that table. Pricing would be based on how quickly you need it and who you get to do the coding. Our prices range from $50/hour to $400/hour depending on your speed requirement.
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