ViciDial - Vtiger 7.1 Support

Discussions about new features or changes in existing features

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Re: ViciDial - Vtiger 7.1 Support

Postby zafarkk10 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:00 am

I have done click to call through Asterisk Connector as instructed on
It worked but call coming to my softphone (zoiper) [call is coming on zoiper same like when we login to vicidial so your softphone] not on vicidial. Can anyone help me out in this.
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Re: ViciDial - Vtiger 7.1 Support

Postby zafarkk10 » Fri Jan 29, 2021 10:41 am

I have also done Click-to-Call through API as below
Fist allow api to agent in vicidial.

Below changes need in vtiger 7.3
Amend this file (vtigercrm/layouts/v7/modules/vtiger/uitypes/PhoneDetailView.tpl)

Add below after line No. 12
{assign var=CURRENT_USER_ID value=$USER_MODEL->get('user_name')}

Change line No. 19 which starts with
<a class="phoneField" data-value="{$PHONE_NUMBER}"


<a class="phoneField" data-value="{$PHONE_NUMBER}" record="{$RECORD->getId()}" onclick="'{$CURRENT_USER_ID}&pass=abc123&agent_user={$CURRENT_USER_ID}&function=external_dial&value={$PHONE_NUMBER}&phone_code=1&search=YES&preview=NO&focus=YES')">{$FIELD_MODEL->get('fieldvalue')}</a>

Change your server Ip address after https:// and pass=<your password>, the password should be same for all agents, if you need with different password so call the value for password same as I called for user ID
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Re: ViciDial - Vtiger 7.1 Support

Postby carpenox » Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:24 am

Couldnt you set the pass on a variable as well? $pass to take the inputed pass that each agent uses, rather than a global password...just a suggestion, but great fuckig work so far, im goign to try it out this weekend and report back the progress
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Re: ViciDial - Vtiger 7.1 Support

Postby carpenox » Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:30 pm

@mstopkey - I followed your steps which work, however when you login to any campaign, it asks you if you want to "leave the site" now when you login.

My question is, does the calls you make in vicidial sync to vtiger? What type of "sync" does it do as of now? Just to login to crm automatically?
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Re: ViciDial - Vtiger 7.1 Support

Postby zafarkk10 » Tue Feb 16, 2021 4:07 pm

I am not getting this message.

I am syncing deposition from vicidial to vtiger, call recording path from vicidial to vtiger, and comments from vicidial to vtiger through vtiger_search.php file.

I only need these above but you can sync more thing if you want.
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Re: ViciDial - Vtiger 7.1 Support

Postby carpenox » Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:13 pm

nice, i implemented your changes but made some minor tweaks, i am using CRM popup instead of ingroup webforms, but the changes you said to make on the last lines of vicidial.php, then made the system ask if i want to "leave" the site from agent screen of vicidial immediately after logging in, and it does this for all campaigns, not just the one using the ingroup....
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Re: ViciDial - Vtiger 7.1 Support

Postby carpenox » Sat Feb 27, 2021 1:55 pm

I am also using 7.3, not 7.1
Alma Linux 9.4 | SVN Version: 3839 | DB Schema Version: 1714 | Asterisk 18.18.1 -:- 1-833-DIALER-1 -:- -:- WA: +19549477572 -:- Skype: | Discord:
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