Ingroups Not showing DROP

We are setting up a server and utilizing the SHARED campaigns. We have the campaigns set to drop -1 and to go ingroups. Everything is working fine. The agents are able to log into the agent campaign, pick the ingroups, and dials are made for the correct campaigns. Our only issue is that we aren't seeing any calls marked DROP.
In my DROP_Ingroup settings for each campaign, I have the DROP seconds set and action is going to callmenu. (I verified this works through several test calls). But if I look at the Ingroup Report, it shows those calls which should be drop as "TIMEOUT" and the total for DROP in the Ingroup report shows zero.
I am not sure if it's related, but I also have not seen anything insert into the vicidial_shared_drops table either.
We have several other Ingroups (on other dialers), and when the call reaches the DROP seconds, the Inbound report will show the DROP numbers and the call will say "ABANDON" rather than "TIMEOUT".
Any idea what I should look at so that the ingroup DROPs will show up correctly? And also be counted toward the campaign drop rate for adapt purposes?
Thank you!
1x server (DB, Web, Asterisk)
Vicibox 11 | VERSION: 2.14-929a | BUILD: 241001-1532 | SVN 3877
We are setting up a server and utilizing the SHARED campaigns. We have the campaigns set to drop -1 and to go ingroups. Everything is working fine. The agents are able to log into the agent campaign, pick the ingroups, and dials are made for the correct campaigns. Our only issue is that we aren't seeing any calls marked DROP.
In my DROP_Ingroup settings for each campaign, I have the DROP seconds set and action is going to callmenu. (I verified this works through several test calls). But if I look at the Ingroup Report, it shows those calls which should be drop as "TIMEOUT" and the total for DROP in the Ingroup report shows zero.
I am not sure if it's related, but I also have not seen anything insert into the vicidial_shared_drops table either.
We have several other Ingroups (on other dialers), and when the call reaches the DROP seconds, the Inbound report will show the DROP numbers and the call will say "ABANDON" rather than "TIMEOUT".
Any idea what I should look at so that the ingroup DROPs will show up correctly? And also be counted toward the campaign drop rate for adapt purposes?
Thank you!
1x server (DB, Web, Asterisk)
Vicibox 11 | VERSION: 2.14-929a | BUILD: 241001-1532 | SVN 3877