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Callback: USERONLY or ANYONE Question

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 3:51 pm
by elite_energy
Let me preface by saying I know there is a Scheduled Callbacks Useronly Move Minutes feature, but I can't help but feel like I remember a different feature that would move callbacks from USERONLY to ANYONE after X time and I just can't remember what it is. However I did look through the manager manual and wasn't able to find anything so I'm just triple-checking here before I give in to the fact I'm just remembering incorrectly.

Is there any other way a callback would be changed from USERONLY to ANYONE without someone modifying the lead in the admin lead data screen?

Re: Callback: USERONLY or ANYONE Question

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 8:01 am
by roger.milligan

That option for "Scheduled Callbacks Useronly Move Minute" has been in the product since March 2016. We used to use SQL events to do the same thing in earlier versions. I don't think that this feature would have been added if there was already that functionality.

When you say "Is there any other way a callback would be changed from USERONLY to ANYONE without someone modifying the lead in the admin lead data screen?", are you not happy with using the above functionality? Please explain how your requirements differ.
