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earl663 wrote:Hi,
I was planning on migrating my Vicidial Server(standalone setup) on Cloud. How many cores should I put on a single cloud for it work properly?
WeSupportVICIdial wrote:We offer a Vicidial updated interface hosted on the cloud...
mflorell wrote:They are using VICIdial code altered by another company several years ago and they have refused to send us the altered code, in violation of the AGPLv2 license. We sued them, and won, and we've been trying to force them to send the code to us since then.
lasthuman wrote:Well, vicidial works perfectly for me on VPS or Virtual platforms, I have been using with cloud environments, scaling more to 100 agents and working great and more than 2 years running!
tch!d! wrote:What cloud services do you recommend for near easy setup and avoiding dahdi issues
tch!d! wrote:What cloud services do you recommend for near easy setup and avoiding dahdi issues
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