Hi All,
We are facing a very big issue in our Vicidial where all running calls got blank from agents side on all over the floor and voice never resume back, while far end party keep staying in call and saying, 'can you hear me, can you hear me.' So, in that case, all agents have to relogin and then make call back to those all end-parties who were in calls. This is happening too frequently and we are about to loose this customer because of this issue. We were suspecting that, this could be network issue but ping never drops when this issue comes.
Our Vicidial is hosted on our cloud.
Can somebody please help to rid out this issue. We have investigated it thoroughly but no progress and this issue keeps coming very frequently.
Asterisk 16.17.0-vici
Version: 2.14b0.5
SVN Version: 3876
DB Schema Version: 1718
VERSION: 2.14-928a
BUILD: 240826-0918
© 2024 ViciDial Group