Update Send Callbacks Email

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Update Send Callbacks Email

Postby dreedy » Tue Dec 12, 2023 3:30 pm

At present if i am getting the correct information. This feature will only email callbacks that are attached to an "active" list. I am wondering if there is any interest in fixing this so that any callback whether the campaign or list is disabled will send an email out to the rep that needs to make this callback.

The second part of this item i would like to suggest is that we have an admin setting that would give us a selectable or field that we can enter in a alarm notification to the rep.

So i see it break down this way.

Send Callbacks Email Y,N
Callback email alarm [ 5 ] minutes before call.
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Re: Update Send Callbacks Email

Postby carpenox » Tue Dec 12, 2023 9:23 pm

What's up bro, great feature idea. Even like a dispo url would work where you could set a timer action to trigger the send_notification function on agent API with confetti as well. Btw did you see my reply to your confbridges monitor issue on the tracker? I fixed the problem and put the solution on it.
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Re: Update Send Callbacks Email

Postby dreedy » Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:26 pm

Hmm interesting idea. I see a need for this as the callback function doesn't lead to a really helpful idea of when or how many callbacks the agents has but with an email it will be like a external ping that reminds them o ya i need to call this person back now. And with the ability to set a timer in minutes i think that will also help the agent to prep for the callbacks and work better.

O yes i just checked the tracker and see what you are talking about. I put into place the patch that matt had gotten from the 0001497 ticket and that worked for now. I haven't had the chance to upgrade the svn yet and when i do i will try your fix. I also need to work on the whisper function it doesn't seem to work with confbridge.
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Re: Update Send Callbacks Email

Postby carpenox » Mon Dec 18, 2023 6:17 pm

It does, message me on Skype I'll guide you through it when you're ready
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Re: Update Send Callbacks Email --solved

Postby dreedy » Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:11 am

I transfer the sent email from using our email server to gmail server and this resolved the issue. I used the writeup made by carpenox and this worked.
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Re: Update Send Callbacks Email

Postby dreedy » Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:12 am

I still would like to put a pre callback reminder into working mode.
1- mysql/apache Server (ViciBox 11) Dell R640
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Re: Update Send Callbacks Email

Postby carpenox » Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:41 pm

Glad to hear it worked out. As far as the pre work reminder, we can test this out together and see if we can debug it.
Alma Linux 9.4 | SVN Version: 3869 | DB Schema Version: 1717 | Asterisk 18.18.1 | PHP8
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