Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
mflorell wrote:Demand letters can only come from a "user" of their system. Since I'm not one of those I can't send them a demand letter. But, just so you know what you might be in for...
The next step after you send one of those yourself(and they ignore it), is to involve a lawyer to send a more threatening letter.
After the ignore that one, you have your lawyer file a lawsuit.
After they ignore and loose the lawsuit, you have to have your lawyer file to have the court compel them to provide the code.
After they ignore that court order, you have to have your lawyer file to seize assets of the company.
After they ignore that, you actually have to find a local company to go and seize their assets, if they can locate them.
If you do actually get the assets of the company, they very likely will not include the source code you were looking for.
Can you tell we've been through this process before?
<?php /* This computer code is protected by intellectual property laws and its property of 3ABM581 LLC DBA outboundANI. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this computer code is prohibited. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. */$OOO000000=urldecode('%66%67%36%73%62%65%68%70%72%61%34%63%6f%5f%74%6e%64');$GLOBALS['OOO0000O0']=$OOO000000{4}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{2}.$OOO000000{10}.$OOO000000{13}.$OOO000000{16};$GLOBALS['OOO0000O0'].=$GLOBALS['OOO0000O0']{3}.$OOO000000{11}.$OOO000000{12}.$GLOBALS['OOO0000O0']{7}.$OOO000000{5};$GLOBALS['OOO000O00']=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO000000{7}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{15};$GLOBALS['O0O000O00']=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{1}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{14};$GLOBALS['O0O000O00']=$O0O000O00.$OOO000000{3};$GLOBALS['O0O00OO00']=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{16};$GLOBALS['OOO00000O']=$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8};$OOO0O0O00=__FILE__;$OO00O0000=0xda54;eval($GLOBALS['OOO0000O0']('JE8wMDBPME8wMD0kR0xPQkFMU1sn
$function = $_GET['function'];
$array_functions = array('outboundani_get_inventory', 'outboundani_get_campaigns', 'outboundani_get_statuses', 'outboundani_update_outboundani', 'outboundani_create_inventory_ingroup', 'outboundani_create_unassigned_ingroup', 'outboundani_count_matching_records', 'outboundani_get_dids_from_ingroup', 'outboundani_add_dids_to_ingroup', 'outboundani_remove_dids_from_ingroup', 'outboundani_configure_campaign_disposition_url', 'outboundani_configure_campaign_disposition_url_v2', 'outboundani_enable_ani_selection', 'outboundani_get_lists', 'outboundani_get_contact_fields', 'outboundani_process_dispo_url', 'outboundani_get_refresh_file', 'outboundani_get_version', 'outboundani_get_callmenus', 'outboundani_get_dids_from_callmenu', 'outboundani_get_refresh_file_new', 'outboundani_get_security_phrase_stats', 'outboundani_get_refresh_file_v2', 'outboundani_get_hopper', 'outboundani_update_security_phrase');
if (!in_array($function, $array_functions)) {
echo '{"result" : "FAIL", "reason" : "function does not exist"}';
require_once ("../agc/dbconnect_mysqli.php");
require_once ("../agc/functions.php");
dspaan wrote:If you make an addon gui that lives in a separate folder and does not change the vicidial files downloaded from the SVN, does this count as a code change?
mflorell wrote:If the new code uses any significant portion of the open-source code, then it needs to inherit the license of the code that was included. The word "significant" is rather vague, but in court in some cases it has meant as little as a single line of code copied from the OSS code to the new set of code requires the new code to use the license of the copied code.
williamconley wrote:dspaan wrote:If you make an addon gui that lives in a separate folder and does not change the vicidial files downloaded from the SVN, does this count as a code change?
The code's location is not at issue. ONLY the author/owner of the new codebase. If it was all written 100% without any of the original Vicidial code, then you're good. But if you recycled ANY code from any open source project ... then you have to adhere to the license of that borrowed code.
It also makes a difference if you only use the code within your organization or if you rent vicidial systems to others or sell systems that include your code.mflorell wrote:If the new code uses any significant portion of the open-source code, then it needs to inherit the license of the code that was included. The word "significant" is rather vague, but in court in some cases it has meant as little as a single line of code copied from the OSS code to the new set of code requires the new code to use the license of the copied code.
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